Monday 22 July 2013


This thing doesn't look like a Lamborghini Aventador. 

If someone thinks that looks similar, they should probably get their eyes checked out.

Video link below, they've disabled embedding, no wonder, we wouldn't want others to see the car either.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Retarded Biker Gets More Than He Bargained For

This Idiotic biker, got more than he bargained for when he tried to brake check a car in Russia. 

A car which was much heavier than his motorbike. 

Which ended rather badly.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

CRASH: Car FLIES Through Another Cars Windshield!


So, you're driving along in your car, minding your own business when a car comes flying towards you, in an almost Final Destination style.

Watch the video, and you'll see how quickly a tranquil drive turns manic.

The occupants of both cars escaped with minor cuts and bruises. All of the people involved were wearing their seatbelts, so let this be a lesson to you all.

Happy Driving!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

R8 GT Spyder Roof SLASHED!

You come back to your pride and joy, after parking it, and find the roof slashed by someone who clearly doesn't like your car. 

What do you do?

Well, in these days of recession, the obvious thing is to use tape of course!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Ferrari 458 Spider EGGED in London!

Well, you're driving along in your beautiful triple layered giallo (three layers of yellow paint, a very costly factory option) Ferrari 458 spider when an egg hits your car. Not ideal, and not fair. 

Whoever did this cowardly act is just that. A coward. 

Well, you all know the saying. 

Haters are gonna hate.

Watch the video below: 

Thursday 4 July 2013

Weirdest Paint Jobs Ever.

We've seen some interesting things, be it on the internet, or in real life, that just need to be shown to the world. 

So we here we go, here are some of our picks!

1. What is this? I mean, what actually is this? Kudos to the owner for his personal creativity. 


This thing looks...Unearthly 


This owner must really like whales.


No, this isn't fake. This car has been painted to camouflage in that EXACT location. The only problem can never move it.


This one is fairly self explanatory. Every body likes boobs.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

IDIOTS Nearly Run Over By 900hp Peugeot on Pikes Peak

"Hey guys, lets cross the road in front of an oncoming Peugeot on steroids."

No. That does not seem like a good idea. 

What you are about to watch, is some very silly people narrowly escaping death by Peugeot.

SEIZED: Purple-Chrome Lamborghini Aventador in London

The unfortunate driver of this purple-chrome Lamborghini Aventador recently had the misfortune of having it impounded.

It is now on display!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Russian car hits HUMPING cows!

When driving along at a good speed, what you DON'T want to see, is a pair of cows, in the your way.

Unfortuantely, this russian driver saw just that. 

Watch to see what happens.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Welcome to the car mistakes BLOG!

Welcome all to the new Car Mistakes BLOG!

Here you can find all things from the car mistake facebook page, and all sorts of interesting things, including summaries of each week of car mistakes!

Stay tuned for the incoming barrage of hilarious car fails, awesome car news, and much MUCH more. 
